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through the Lost Art of homemaking
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the foundational habits of a homemaker create joy and fulfillment
Homemaking | Homemaking Inspiration | Homemaking Routines

5 Foundational Habits of a Homemaker

These 5 habits of a homemaker provide the foundation from which you and your family can thrive. Learn how to use the power of habits to design a fulfilling life. Do you want to increase your efficiency and effectiveness in homemaking? Are you tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere each…

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the foundational habits of a homemaker create joy and fulfillment
Homemaking | Homemaking Inspiration | Homemaking Routines

5 Foundational Habits of a Homemaker

These 5 habits of a homemaker provide the foundation from which you and your family can thrive. Learn how to use the power of habits to design a fulfilling life. Do you want to increase your efficiency and effectiveness in homemaking? Are you tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere each…

woman writing out her vision and values for intentional homemaking
Homemaking | Homemaking Inspiration | Homemaking Routines

What is Intentional Homemaking? A Guide to Happiness at Home

Learn how to harness the power of intentionality to create a more happy and meaningful home. Discover how to start Intentional Homemaking today. The goal of homemaking is to create an environment that nurtures, supports and inspires the family that lives within it. Homemaking, the art of creating home, is a vital role for supporting…

homemaking skills include managing the home like a business
Homemaking | Homemaking Inspiration

Your Home is a Business! 4 Homemaking Skills you Need to Run the Business of Home

Explore the 4 essential homemaking skills for managing and supporting a fruitful home. These 4 homemaking skills allow you to be the solopreneur of the business of home. Every new homemaker struggles with overwhelm and feelings of “falling short.” It can take several years for a new homemaker to find her stride in caring for…

homemaker doing laundry
Homemaking | Homemaking Inspiration

What is Homemaking and Why is it so Undervalued?

Homemaking has gotten a bad rap since the early 90s when feminism branded it a demeaning endeavor. I will give an updated homemaker definition and give 3 reasons why we need to value homemaking as a vital role for positive social and economic development. Are you a new mom who has recently found herself thrown…