3 Hygge Tips to Decrease Overwhelm this Holiday Season

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If you are overwhelmed by the stress and hustle of the Holiday season each year I have the solution: hygge. These 3 simple hygge tips help you take back the joy and meaning of the holiday season.

The holidays can be a time of stress and overwhelm, but what if there was a way to reclaim the joy and meaning of the season? Enter hygge, a Danish concept that focuses on creating coziness, comfort, and connection. By incorporating a few simple hygge tips into your holiday routine, you can transform the season from stressful to delightful.”

Why has it become the norm that the Holiday season is one of stress and overwhelm? How have we come to expect as a culture that the months of November and December will be filled with endless responsibilities, activities and work that bring us little enjoyment? While I know it’s hard to remember, the holiday season used to be one that was anticipated with positive emotions and excitement. It was a season that was filled with magic and tradition that connected people to something greater than themselves. It was a time to look forward to, not one to dread like we so often do today!

While I’m sure we could get into a huge discussion about all the things (i.e. consumerism) that have sucked the joy and meaning out of the holiday season, I’d rather focus on the ways we can reclaim this Holiday season. The simple solution to holiday overwhelm is intentionally weaving hygge throughout your holiday season. Keep reading to learn 3 hygge tips that will help you bring back the meaning and joy to your holiday season this year!

What is Hygge?

Hygge is a concept, a way of living, a philosophy for how to have a happy and fulfilling life. Trying to describe hygge is like trying to explain a feeling: it is nuanced and requires the person to experience it to fully understand it. 

There isn’t an English word that translates exactly, though we like to use it interchangeably with the word cozy here in America. This is certainly a good place to start! If we think about when we feel the coziest:

  • Cuddled under a blanket
  • Wearing large, soft clothing
  • Sitting by a fireplace
  • Snuggling with loved ones
  • Drinking a warm drink
  • Eating a home-cooked meal
  • Enjoying a homemade pastry
  • Playing a board game with your closest friends

These things feel cozy because they create the same atmosphere and emotional environment inside of us. These cozy activities inspire feelings of

  • Comfort
  • Connection
  • Joy
  • Presence
  • Peace and calm
  • Well-being

It is these emotions that help us best understand hygge. The hygge definition is found in the understanding of how to achieve more of these emotions in our life. Hygge is all about living life to the fullest by enjoying simple pleasures and creating meaning and connection.

How do you say Hygge?

When I look at the word “hygge” I see the word hug. What is more cozy than a hug?! BUT, that is NOT how you pronounce the word. Hygge is a Danish word that is pronounced “hoo-guh”. I know…the most uncozy sounding word ever right?! Well, at least it sounds that way to us Americans. If you lived in Denmark the word is beloved and inspiring.

Why should I care about Hygge?

Hygge is a concept that has gained much popularity in the world lately due to the Dane’s being one of the happiest people in the world. Denmark ranks consistently in the top 3 happiest countries according to The World Happiness Report

It is in Denmark that one of the top happiness researchers, Meik Weiking, has come to better understand what makes people feel happiness and joy and creates a consistent satisfaction with life. You can read all about this research on the Happiness Research Institute’s website. 

Here is a quick video of Meik speaking on “How to be Happy”

Most people in this country attribute much of this happiness to their culture of hygge. Meik tries to understand what it is about hygge that may be giving Danes the edge on happiness. When you consistently engage with and create an atmosphere of hygge you are bolstering  many things that allow people to feel happier. Some of these things include:

  1. Feeling safe and nurtured.
  2. Balancing work, stress and chaos with an even amount of respite.
  3. Having a deep connection with other living things and nature.
  4. Choosing activities and a job that helps you live your purpose and create more meaning in your life.
  5. Indulging in the things that bring us pleasure without guilt.
  6. Feeling empowered to design your life in a way that supports positive emotion and personal growth.
  7. Resilience.

Hygge is quite literally the opposite of our American hustle culture that makes us believe our happiness is directly connected with our job, relationship and net worth. Whereas in America we think “more is more” in Denmark they think “less is more”. 

Americans believe that they can measure their success in life based on their ability to consistently be and have more. We can only be happy if we are looking to the next thing to achieve. Hygge is all about slowing down and realizing that we already have everything we need to be happy. Hygge happiness comes from within where American happiness comes from external things.

Hygge is the counterculture that Americans need to break free from a life of meaningless pursuits! Hygge can be a powerful tool for reducing holiday overwhelm by encouraging us to slow down, prioritize activities that bring us joy, and connect with loved ones in meaningful ways.

Hygge Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

While hygge can help us with our lives throughout the year, the Holiday season is the perfect time to start integrating some hygge habits and tips. Remember: hygge is all about simplicity. The point is to simplify, not create more complexity and stress. I hope you are able to use these hygge tips to create a happier and more meaningful holiday season this year!

Hygge Tip #1: Schedule in hygge time each week

If our schedules are already full to the brim, it can be easy to make excuses for not inviting hygge into our lives. That is why it is important to actually schedule it in until it becomes a more regular part of your lifestyle. That is why my first hygge tip is to intentionally schedule time to do hygge activities.

Sit down with your family and come up with a list of activities that you enJOY doing together. Order them by their ease of implementation. Put the things that you can do with little preparation and/or take a shorter amount of time to do at the top of the list. For example, my family loves to play board games together. This requires no prep and we can spend an hour or less enjoying this hygge time together. Activities like these will be easier to implement at first and will motivate you to add more hygge time in.

Hygge time doesn’t have to be just about doing something with other people, hygge time can also be things you do with or for yourself. Actually, I highly encourage that you add in hygge time that is just for you so that you feel healthy enough to enjoy hygge time with your family. Here are some easy hygge time ideas:

  • Enjoy a cup of tea each evening while you read a book.
  • Put your cozy socks and clothes on in the evening and watch a “feel-good” show or movie.
  • Light a candle, enjoy a cup of coffee and journal in the morning.

Whether you enjoy hygge time with loved ones or by yourself, be intentional about creating an atmosphere of calm, coziness and connection.

Hygge Tip #2: Embrace Daily Hygge Habits

Hygge time doesn’t have to be just about doing something with other people, hygge time can also be things you do with or for yourself. Actually, I highly encourage that you add in hygge time that is just for you so that you feel healthy enough to enjoy hygge time with your family. Here are some easy hygge habit ideas:

  • Enjoy a cup of tea each evening while you read a book.
  • Put your cozy socks and clothes on in the evening and watch a “feel-good” show or movie.
  • Light a candle, enjoy a cup of coffee and journal in the morning.

Whether you enjoy hygge time with loved ones or by yourself, be intentional about creating an atmosphere of calm, coziness and connection.

Hygge Tip # 3: Start or continue Hygge Holiday Family Traditions

Hygge holiday traditions are a wonderful way to create lasting memories and foster a sense of connection with loved ones. These traditions should be activities that evoke feelings of coziness, joy, and togetherness.

What greater way is there to create a sense of meaning and connection than through family traditions? Traditions help us remember where we came from and connect us back to the purpose of the tradition. 

Traditions preserve our cultural and familial heritage. Whether it’s a family gathering, a religious observance, or a community celebration, traditions offer a comforting sense of familiarity and belonging. By participating in traditions, we learn to appreciate the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Hygge holiday traditions can be big or small. They can be something you do once each season or that you do throughout the season. The best hygge holiday traditions are the ones that you are excited to do and consistently evoke feelings of happiness and joy. 

Some of my favorite Hygge Holiday Traditions include:

  • Cutting down our own Christmas Tree
  • Baking my grandmother’s crescent rolls for Thanksgiving
  • Blasting Holiday tunes as we decorate the whole house for Christmas

You can find some of my other favorite hygge holiday traditions here.

Bonus Hygge Tip: Create a Hygge Haven at Home

One of the essential components of hygge is the home. Home is the place where we feel safe, supported and at peace to be ourselves. Setting up our homes to encourage hygge is the easiest hygge tips to implement. Simply by adding in hygge decor like big comfy blankets and pillows, hygge candles, and including handmade decor, you cue your brain to feel more cozy and calm. 

Your home is your hygge sanctuary. Here are some tips for creating a cozy and inviting space:

  • Add plush throws and pillows
  • Light hygge candles with warm, inviting scents
  • Display handmade decorations that spark joy

One of my favorite hygge activities and ways to make my home more hygge year-round is creating my own crochet home decor. You can check out my free patterns for crochet home decor here or purchase the downloadable premium pattern pdfs from my etsy shop here.

Incorporate Simple Hygge Tips to enjoy your Holiday Season!

By incorporating these simple hygge tips into your holiday season, you can transform it from a stressful rush to a time of joy, connection, and meaningful traditions.

Pin these hygge tips to your Pinterest so that you remain intentional and motivated to have a holiday season that creates everlasting memories!

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